LIUNA proudly represents over 500,000 workers
across North America

Local 180 members enjoy all the benefits of unionization including a robust pension, health insurance, and higher wages. We also place members in rewarding careers with tremendous opportunities. We offer training and upgrading courses to keep our members' skills up-to-date.

Unionized workplaces tend to be safer, with studies for the construction industry showing 30 per cent lower critical injury claims, 17 per cent fewer mobility impairments and 23 per cent lower lost-time claims.

Unionized workers are more likely to report health and safety violations and minor no-lost time injuries (due to training, awareness and/or less fear of reprisal), which makes workplaces safer overall.

Union wages

Union Wages

Data from Statistics Canada shows that union members earn $5.00 more on average compared to their non-unionized counterparts. 

Surprisingly, the union advantage was the strongest for temporary workers, where unionized employees earned almost $9.00 more than non-unionized workers in 2022.

Liuna Employee

Medical & Pension

Local 180 takes pride in taking care of its members and their dependents with a comprehensive benefits package that includes prescriptions, dental, paramedical, optical, mental health and addictions counselling.

In addition, Local 180 members have access to the 24/7 Employee and Member Program (MEP) to assist with a variety of services that assist our member lead their healthiest lives.


Job Security & Equity

Unionized workers are more likely to be full-time, permanent and work longer for their employers. This means less turnover of employees!

Collective agreements ensure that there is no discrimination, harassment or bullying and that jobsites are inclusive. Collective agreements ensure all individuals are paid the same. Unions are also credited for significantly increasing industry standard wage rates for all workers and creating wage equity in all sectors.

Training worker

Skills & Safety Training

Local 180 offers a variety of safety training and certification courses on-site at our Training Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Skills training ensures our members not only have the knowledge to work safer, but also the training to ensure they are the most skilled in the industry.

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