1. If I organize, can my employer fire me?

NO! Punishing or in any way penalizing an employee who intends to or has signed an application card is illegal. This goes directly against the unionization rights provided by law. When workers unionize, signed cards are submitted to the government Labour Board and are cross-referenced with an official employee list supplied to the Labour Board by their employer. Your employer will know how many employees signed, but will not know who specifically, and is unable to punish any worker.

2. How do I bring LIUNA to my workplace?

Contact a LIUNA organizer. We can have a team of people that will walk you through the process. You can call Dorian or Glenn, they will assist through the four steps of organizing your workplace.

Call: (306) 526 9790
Email: dorian@local180.ca


Call:  (306) 471 7180
Email: glenn@local180.ca


3. What advantages does LIUNA bring to my workplace?

With unionizing, collective bargaining can bring;

  • Fair wages that reflect skill, experience and time at the company. 

  • Annual raises that reflect inflation.

  • Overtime and live out allowance when working out of town.

  • Health benefits for you and your family. 

  • A pension plan for your retirement.
    Standard safety training, as well as skill-based training, or employer required training. 

  • Anti-discrimination policies. 

  • Grievance procedure.

4. What are union dues?

Union Dues are tax deductible and are paid by all workers. These dues go towards representation for workers and worker advocacy.

5. What do unions do?

Unions act for workers to advance their interests, as a group, to improve their working conditions. With a union in the workplace, you and your coworkers can negotiate the terms of your work (e.g. wages, schedules, overtime, pension and benefits to name a few) by creating a legally binding agreement, called a Collective Agreement.

6. Why do workers organize?

Some of the most common reasons for unionizing a workplace include: wages, sick days, medical benefits, pension benefits, inconsistent scheduling with a poor work/life balance, wage and tip theft, harassment or discrimination, workload, hiring/firing/promotion practices, an unsafe work environment and/or a lack of recognition.

7. Are union workplaces safer? 

YES. Unionization is associated with a 25% lower rate of injury, according to a study by the Institute for Work and Health, which focused on the institutional, commercial and industrial (ICI) construction sector and used Workers’ Compensation injury data from 2012 to 2018.

8. Does LIUNA Local 180 provide training to members?

YES. Training and education is a major priority for LIUNA. Our training facilities provide courses year round and additional mobile training offerings to ensure members in all areas of the province have the training they need to keep their skills up-to-date. 

Training provided to Local 180 as part of LIUNA membership includes; pre-employment courses, construction craft labourer apprenticeship, concrete finisher and multiple safety training courses. Contact Local 180 to find out what courses are being offered. 


9. Do unions provide wage equity?

YES. Collective agreements ensure that there is no discrimination, harassment or bullying and that jobsites are inclusive. Collective agreements ensure all individuals are paid the same.Unions are also credited for significantly increasing industry standard wage rates for all workers and creating wage equity in all sectors.

10. Is this process confidential?

Yes! All communication between a worker/employee and the Union, including the LIUNA Local 180 organizers is completely confidential. As well, both the Union card and ballot are secret.